ALF 18th AUGUST 1951 - 27th AUGUST 2012

Created by Ray 12 years ago
ALF Not a lot of people would know this but Alf was very intellectual, he read a lot and enjoyed doing crosswords, always putting me to shame with his general knowledge. He always had to win, whether it be sport, games or even playing a game of cards, we would play all evening for a prize of 50 pence, he didn’t care as long as he won, sadly he lost his fight with cancer, he’d met his match! I met Alf 20 years ago and although he was bit wary at first, (only protecting Jeannie of course) he introduced me to everyone and I was accepted into the family. He was like a brother to me and I know Jeannie felt the same, he was the brother she had never had. He leaves behind his wonderful wife Chris, I have nothing but admiration for her love and loyalty, she cared for him for many years and now, I will help the boys protect her as Alf did Jeannie, Michaela and Jenny. I love you Bro, Rest In Peace. x
